Interactive LED Banner for New York party producers

Interactive LED banners

“I FEEL… is a community of like-minded individuals who come together with open hearts and minds to celebrate creative costuming, self expression, art, and dreamy vibes.”

These monthly themed events create a welcoming, positive and interactive environment for its attendees. Run by Carmel Productions these events have become an important part of NYC dance music and art scene.

We were commissioned to create a 9ft LED banner to reinforce I FEEL branding at the events. The banner consists of two parts – the icon and the wordmark. Both of the pieces are interactive and perfectly blend into any immersive and playful worlds created by the event producers.

The events have been running since 2011 and I FEEL logo became an iconic symbol for the community. Along with Fixx Invictus and Alexander Savich we have designed and built a 6ft LED version of the logotype. The heart in the middle of the body shape is audio-reactive and beats not only along with the music but with the hearts of individuals at I FEEL events.

“FEEL” motion reactive LEDs

The second part of the banner is the wordmark “FEEL”. To create the LED lettering we used Octolively tileable modules from Evil Mad Scientists. Each module is a 4×8 inches panel that encompasses 8 ultrabright LEDs. These modules are capable of detecting a nearby motion with infrared proximity sensors even in total darkness. We customized the LED colors to match the brand palette and modified code to fit our specific purposes. The banner literally invites individuals to feel the lights and play with the light sculpture.

Portable design

I FEEL events don’t have a permanent home and usually pop-up in various venues of New York City and Brooklyn. To accommodate location changes and storage we came up with a storing and transportation solution for the banner. Both parts along with repair tools stack on top of each other and get enclosed between additional wood panels to avoid damaging.