Origami Kraken is an audio reactive projection mapping sculpture
This project was originally designed for a KostumeKult party Horned Ball. The sculpture was made out of white paper using origami techniques. Its low-poly model became an ideal surface for a light projection. Built in collaboration with my friends(Alexander Savich, Sofy Yuditskaya, Tori, Fixx Invictus, Uttham Ghandi) by our own hands and brought to life by projection mapping. Live long the Kraken!
VDMX Control via TouchOSC
The visuals for projection mapping were generated using VDMX, a robust and powerful VJ software for Macs . In order to keep the installation dynamic I have set up a remote control using the app TouchOSC. It allowed me to control the VJ application by sending OSC messages from my phone from any place at the event. In addition the video effects were synchronized with live music translating party sounds into light and movement.
Origami Patterns and Folds
The low-poly paper folds were designed using the book “Folding Techniques for Designers” by Paul Jackson. Kraken’s body and each tentacle were folded out of a single piece of paper by using patterns of glide reflection symmetry and X-form Spans. I would recommend this book for any visual designer and paper artist. More info on the pages below.